Anxiety & Mood | Feelings | Healthy Routines | Mindfulness | Mood | Stress

Anxiety – What to do with Unproductive Thoughts Part 2

This post continues on what to do during the worry hour, more specifically what to do with unproductive themes/topics, see earlier posts. You can choose among several strategies: 1. If stressed, calm yourself by pointing out that the thoughts are likely consequences of stress and hence see the worry-theme as a mainly stress symptoms and…

Feelings | Healthy Routines | Life goals | Mindfulness | Mood | Relationships | Self image | Self-esteem

Reflections, rest and celebration: Happiness

There has been much research into the field of happiness since it is close connected to perceived wellbeing. Professor Sonja Lyubomirsky, a renowned researcher within the field of happiness, claims that 40% of happiness can be influenced by the mind of a person! Her main points are to include more of the following dimensions in…

Anxiety & Mood | Feelings | Healthy Routines | Mindfulness | Mood | Stress

Feelings: Fear and anxiety, what’s the difference?

Imagine giving a speech here? Do not worry if your stomach cringes, giving a speech is one of the things the majority of people fear the most. Fear is an extremely important feeling since it has a huge survival value. It makes us instantly react to perceived threats by avoiding the danger and instead seeking…

Anxiety & Mood | Feelings

Anxiety: Worry hour strategies for unproductive thougths

This post continues on what to do during the worry hour, more specifically what to do after identifying which of your worry-themes are productive and/or unproductive, se definitions introduced in earlier posts. After identifying and analysing your unproductive/unhelpful thoughts/themes according to earlier posts, you can choose among several strategies. Here comes exposure, a favourite within…

Feelings | Healthy Routines | Mindfulness | Self image

Reflections, rest and celebration – Creativity

Another important part of this day is to access your creativity. Creativity feeds the feelings interest and joy and hence increase positive emotions which often also increase wellbeing. It is also a mindful activity where the essence is being in the here and now. Creative activities can also impact how you view yourself as well…

Burn out | Feelings | Healthy Routines | Stress

Feelings – Anger

Unheard emotions can lead to both physical and psychological symptoms. There are several emotions that we who work with psychological treatment often encounter problems with. One of the most prominent is anger. Maybe this partly depends on cultural norms and thoughts of proper adult behaviour, that anger is only for children until old enough to…

Anxiety & Mood | Feelings | Stress

Feelings: Write to Heal – The Pennebaker Exercise

Feelings need to be heard or they can turn into physical or psychological symptoms. In fact, many studies indicate that over 75 % of mental health problems and physical illnesses comes from our thought life. Stress plays a large part of this. Unheard or unprocessed emotions are stressful for the body. One way of hearing…

Anxiety & Mood | Feelings | Healthy Routines | Mood

Feelings: Hot and Cold Emotions

There are many important dimensions with regard to feelings as sources of information. As with all information we have to evaluate the truth/probability and the quality of the information that triggered the feeling. If we are scared of spiders and we see one we will get highly aroused by fear and move briskly away from…

Feelings | Healthy Routines | Life goals | Mindfulness | Self image | Self-esteem

Self-esteem: Gratitude Diary

Another important part of self-esteem is to get to know yourself. Through writing a daily journal you can get objectivity and therefore is one way of acknowledging what is working and what your already are doing to get closer to who you are and where you want to be. One way of accomplishing this is…

Anxiety & Mood | Feelings | Stress

Stress: Acute Stress Management Techniques

To decrease an acute stress-level of 8 or higher on a scale 1 to 10 where the fight-flight mode is controlling the body and mind, you have to focus on physiological techniques since at this level of stress we are outside of pedagogical reach. The most important technique is slow breathing focusing on prolonged exhalations…