Better self-esteem: More about step 5 – start now with activities that mirror your goals (1 minute read)
Better self-esteem: More about step 5 – start now with activities that mirror your goals (1 minute read)
This post “Better self-esteem: More about step 5 – start now with activities that mirror your goals” continues with how you can increase your self-esteem by achieving your goals and improve your life.
Better self-esteem: More about step 5 – start now with activities that mirror your goals
Step 5 is about identifying actions and steps you can take already today.
It can be actions that reflect you in your desired future or steps toward concrete goals that will help you achieve your desired state.
For example, if your goal is better mental and physical health, reducing stress is crucial.
This can be achieved by among other things:
-doing everything slower
-being more appreciative
-trying to also see the positives in situations
-focusing on observing and sensing
-scheduling rest
-searching for information on stress management and health
-steering time and frequency of interactions with others to when you are available
-deciding on what is good enough tidiness and share the tasks
-taking walks during lunch
It is likely you will encounter obstacles. Still, it is important to take the steps and actions anyway!
More about the steps in the next posts.
For more on how to increase your self-esteem, see the free blog or the course How to develop self-esteem and boost your confidence at
More information:
If you have any questions, write a comment or e-mail me at
Find more inspiration on how to increase your self-esteem and well-being at and
Courses in personal development at
Develop self-esteem & boost your confidence
Relationships & inner strength
Create a balanced life & reach your potential
Powerful insights in psychology
HSP: Handle feelings, thoughts & behaviours
Also, see these user-friendly medical research databases:
The world’s largest government funded medical library:
Johns Hopkins University:
Harvard University:
Oxford university: