Increase your self-esteem by understanding how sexualisation can affect you (1 minute read)
This post “Increase your self-esteem by understanding how sexualisation can affect you” continues with how you can increase your self-esteem by managing your thoughts and feelings.
Increase your self-esteem by understanding how sexualisation can affect you:
This defense mechanism sexualisation is about transforming fear, pain or other overwhelming experiences into something connected to erotic arousal.
It is also about giving an object or a situation a sexual significance that it did not previously have.
For example, it can be about seeing sexual symbols in objects such as a banana or a flower.
Other common examples:
Many people feel that they are expected to be independent, which many are uncomfortable with. Having social needs as human being, persons who are uncomfortable with their need for dependence and feel lonely or disconnected may sexualise threatening signs of dependence. Hence, instead of looking for a close emotional relationship, they may look for temporary sex that leaves them feeling even more empty and alone.
Another example is women who have been taught that women are weak and men are powerful might be afraid of powerful or aggressive men. As a consequence, they may sexualise this fear and instead feel attracted to these types of men.
More about how you can increase your self-esteem in the next post. See also the free blog or the course How to develop self-esteem and boost your confidence at
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