Feelings | Self-esteem

Increase your self-esteem by facing unhealthy shame (1 minute read)

Here, the post “Increase your self-esteem by facing unhealthy shame” continues with how you can increase your self-esteem by understanding your feelings.   Increase your self-esteem by facing unhealthy shame: This post continues on the last posts’ different aspects of shame and what to do about it. Shame can be an important and a healthy…

Feelings | Self-esteem

Increase self-esteem by lessening shame using self-compassion (1 minute read)

Here, the post “Increase self-esteem by lessening shame using self-compassion” continues with how you can increase your self-esteem by understanding your feelings.   Increase self-esteem by lessening shame using self-compassion: This post continues with how to manage disproportionate and painful shame. One of the treatment methods for painful shame is Compassion Focused Therapy developed by…

Self image | Self-esteem

How To Make You Less Vulnerable To Blows On Your Self-Esteem

Last weeks’ posts have been about how you directly can improve your self-esteem through getting to know yourself.   The posts have been about the importance of writing a daily diary about what you stand for, what matters to you, what you are experiencing, thinking and feeling as well as 3 small or big things…

Anxiety & Mood | Self image

How To Use Carefully Choosen Words To Challenge Destructive & Anxiety Provoking Thoughts

There are many anxiety inducing patterns often called cognitive distortions or thought traps. These are ways of thinking that seem true but are in fact not reasonable, realistic or relevant to the situation. Noticing when we are using thought traps and countering them is an important part of traditional CBT-exercises that also can reduce symptoms…

Self image | Stress

When the worry-hour can be helpful for handling stress (1 minute read)

When the worry-hour can be helpful for handling stress (1 minute read) In “When the worry-hour can be helpful for handling stress” continues a summary of my posts on how to recover as quickly as possible from more serious stress and exhaustion symptoms. As mentioned earlier, in my daily work with people who have sought…

Communication | Relationships | Self image | Self-esteem

Extroversion – The 3d Of The 5 Evidence Based Personality Traits

Last weeks’ post have been about the five basic dimensions of personality, often referred to as the Big 5 personality traits that serve as the building blocks of personality.   These 5 personality dimensions can help us learn more about ourselves and help us decide where to focus our energy and attention, both when it…

Feelings | Relationships | Self-esteem

How Our Feelings & Relationshsips Are Formed By The Parenting We Got

Earlier posts have been about how the interaction between a child and caretakers creates internal models for relationships that tend to be repeated in other close relationships and also colors the child’s basic attitude to others and also to self. This happens because the internal models develop into generalized expectations of how the child will…

Feelings | Relationships | Self image

Why Your Parents’ Emotional Abilities Matters For Your Identity, Self-Esteem & Ability To Regulate Emotions

Earlier posts have been about how the interaction with a child and caretakers creates internal working models for relationships that tends to be repeated in other close relationships and also colors the child’s basic attitude to others and also to the self. The quality and resulting patterns of these models are also believed to affect…

Burn out | Feelings | Self image | Stress

Are Exhausted People In Reality Happy, Curious And Easily Excited?

Today’s post is about the driving forces behind these emotions and how they can contribute to stress and exhaustion.   There are many factors that make exhausted persons easily become too active when they are trying to heal their stress injuries. This can delay the healing process and prolong the suffering.   In earlier posts…

Healthy Routines | Life goals | Self image

Merry Christmas : How To Easier Remember Your Gifts To Yourself

Merry Christmas to all of you celebrating today.   For many, this day is about giving.   Yesterday was about considering to take 5 minutes to think about what you can give yourself, both symbolically and as a promise of a new mindset and behavior to start make important changes in your life. It can…