Anxiety & Mood

Different Views Of Anxiety & How To Decrease Related Suffering

Last weeks’ posts have been about anxiety provoking thoughts and how these can be handled to reduce experienced suffering through different techniques. These techniques are used in cognitive behavioural therapy, CBT. In this view anxiety is triggered by the fear of experiencing different kinds of perceived dangers at the moment or in the near future…

Healthy Routines

A Summary Of Strategies For Increasing Sense Of Coherence Which Increase Resilience To Stress

Today’s post concludes the posts on Antonovsky’s concept Sense of Coherence.   What determines whether stress will be harmful or not is whether or not the stress violates our sense of coherence.   The sense of coherence is the extent to which one has a pervasive, enduring and dynamic feeling of confidence that stressful situations…

Anxiety & Mood | Healthy Routines

A summary of how to handle anxiety provoking thoughts

Cognitive distortions, also called thought traps, are anxiety inducing thought patterns. They are ways of thinking that seem true but are in fact not reasonable, realistic or relevant to the situation. Noticing when we are using thought traps and countering them is an important part of CBT-exercises, which also can reduce symptoms of anxiety. Here…

Acceptance/ACT | Healthy Routines | Stress

More About The Importance Of Meaning For Handling Stressors In Life

Today’s post continues with Antonovsky’s concept Sense of Coherence that focuses on handling stressors and how health can be increased (see link to Mittelmark et al in earlier posts for research in this field). What determines whether stress will be harmful or not is whether or not the stress violates our sense of coherence. This…

Anxiety & Mood

A Summary Of 3 More Techniques For Handling Anxiety Provoking Thoughts

There are many anxiety inducing patterns often called cognitive distortions or thought traps. These are ways of thinking that seem true but are in fact not reasonable, realistic or relevant to the situation. Noticing when we are using thought traps and countering them is an important part of traditional CBT-exercises that also can reduce symptoms…


First Part Of A Summary Of Techniques For Handling Anxiety Provoking Thoghts

There are many anxiety inducing patterns often called cognitive distortions or thought traps. These are ways of thinking that seem true but are in fact not reasonable, realistic or relevant to the situation. Noticing when we are using thought traps and countering them is an important part of traditional CBT-exercises that also can reduce symptoms…

Anxiety & Mood | Stress

Using Logic To Handle Stressful Thoughts

Here continues a summary of my posts on how to recover as quickly as possible from stress. This post continues with how to handle stressful thoughts, such as anxiety and rumination, as it is crucial to learn to steer one’s thoughts in order to reduce the stress level and create conditions for recovery. You can…