Self image | Self-esteem

Why Optimists Can Achieve More

Self-efficacy, our beliefs about our capability to perform a specific activity, can be influenced and impacts our well-being and self-esteem.   There are many adaptive benefits of optimistic self-beliefs of efficacy. When it comes to mental health, a study has shown that even those with no clinical level of symptoms and distress distorts reality, but…

Healthy Routines | Life goals

Reflection Questions To Analyze Progress and Identify Important Adjustments

This post continues on possible problems, bumps in the road, that can occur and how to try to avoid them when you have started to take your identified actions to move in your desired direction.   Last week was about the critical importance of a fixed time of the week AND the month – potentially…

Healthy Routines | Mindfulness | Self-esteem

The connection between flow, minfulness and the development of a stronger self

The main thesis of Csikszentmihalyi’s flow-concept is that happiness is not a state but can be developed through learning how to achieve flow in our lives. He describes it as: “…a state in which people are so involved in an activity that nothing else seems to matter; the experience is so enjoyable that people will continue…

Healthy Routines | Life goals

Identify your problems and goals to live the life you want

Monday – Life goals: Now we have first during several sessions uncovered the way behind you that contributed to and affected the symptoms and related problems you have today as well as gone through how to create goals that are SMART to help you set and achieve motivating goals which can kick-start you towards your…

Anxiety & Mood | Healthy Routines | Mindfulness | Stress

More on Mindful Daily Routines – How to Handle Disturbing Thoughts

Remember from the last posts, mindfulness is the ability to be fully present in the current moment and activity, being aware of where we are and what we are doing, but not overly responsive or overwhelmed by what is going on around us.   This post continues about being mindful with regard to thoughts, which…