Life goals | Self image

Life goals – Important questions to your time line

Last week we worked with the timeline. This week we will analyze it for a last time. Take a few minutes and take in your timeline. How does it feel? Can you some unexpected coincidences? Now, ask the following questions: What had changed at the time you have a low and high mark respectively? Did…

Feelings | Healthy Routines | Mindfulness | Self image

Reflections, rest and celebration – Creativity

Another important part of this day is to access your creativity. Creativity feeds the feelings interest and joy and hence increase positive emotions which often also increase wellbeing. It is also a mindful activity where the essence is being in the here and now. Creative activities can also impact how you view yourself as well…

Burn out | Feelings | Healthy Routines | Stress

Feelings – Anger

Unheard emotions can lead to both physical and psychological symptoms. There are several emotions that we who work with psychological treatment often encounter problems with. One of the most prominent is anger. Maybe this partly depends on cultural norms and thoughts of proper adult behaviour, that anger is only for children until old enough to…

Self image | Self-esteem

Self-esteem: self-esteem, self-worth, self-confidence and self-efficacy

There are many different parts of the self, all influencing our wellbeing. Here comes an attempt to explain the subtle differences behind important self-concepts, where even the researchers still do not agree: Self-confidence, our trust in our ability to perform certain activities, tasks etc. leading to abilities or achievements and self-esteem, a multidimensional concept including…

Anxiety & Mood | Healthy Routines | Relationships | Stress

Anxiety: Worry hour Part 3

This post continues on what to do during the worry hour, more specifically identifying if your thoughts are productive and/or unproductive, which was introduced in earlier posts. During the worry hour, write down for every theme what is the theme, what the disturbing thought, the what if… and the result/catastrophe that you fear, if it…

Anxiety & Mood | Healthy Routines | Mindfulness | Stress

Mindfulness: Body-scan part 4/4

Here comes the last parts of the body-scan exercise, in total 10 minutes long. This is the essence/instructional parts of one version of the 3 major meditations within mindfulness. The body-scan usually lasts over 45 minutes with long parts of silence. In my research I have found that even this shorter version, together with 2…

Anxiety & Mood | Burn out | Healthy Routines | Stress

Stress – The 2d building block: Part 1 – Handle your stress sources

There are 3 important building blocks of stress management: 1) regulate you stress level, se techniques in earlier post 2) handle stress sources and 3) use stress management habits. The second building block, handle your stress sources, is about 2 main components: 1) secure sufficient recovery and 2) minimize stress sources or their intensity as…

Healthy Routines | Life goals | Relationships

Rest and Reflections: Critical incidents

Sunday – time for celebration, rest and peaceful self-supportive reflection. Another way of enhancing your reflections, which you then can use in honouring yourself, but also in planning what you would like to change in your life, is analysing critical or important incidents. This exercise, which is adapted from Hatcher 1996, focuses on analysing an…

Anxiety & Mood | Feelings | Stress

Feelings: Write to Heal – The Pennebaker Exercise

Feelings need to be heard or they can turn into physical or psychological symptoms. In fact, many studies indicate that over 75 % of mental health problems and physical illnesses comes from our thought life. Stress plays a large part of this. Unheard or unprocessed emotions are stressful for the body. One way of hearing…